Caring for all our children
Strenthening Old Ties
Service from the Heart
And the awards go to...
Rising to the challenge
Innovation is alive!
Farewell, Auntie! Farewell, Haji Pasuni!
Meet Joe, our NEW Fabric Of The Nation tour guide!

Published by
Communications and International Relations

Ministry of Community Development, Youth
and Sports
512 Thomson Road,
13th storey,
MCYS Building,
Singapore 298136

Issue editor:
Karen Bartholomeusz
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please call:

6354 8138
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Blueburn & Co
Service from the Heart

Some recipients of the Long Service Award.
Some recipients of the Long Service Award.

eventy-seven individuals and organisations were recognised for their outstanding contributions towards the community at this year's volunteer appreciation awards handed out by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) on 24 September at the Marina Mandarin.

Ms Goi Ming Ying, an IT consultant and an active volunteer with the Enable-A-Family scheme, was one of five volunteers conferred the MCYS Outstanding Volunteer Award for her extraordinary work in various programmes under the Ministry. Commenting on her work with children-at-risk, Ms Goi said, "Perhaps because children like me and I'm able to reason with them, they listen to me a bit more."

The Friend of MCYS Awards were also given to deserving individuals who had made key contributions towards MCYS committees and projects. Among them was Mdm Bibi Jan Md Ayyub of the Singapore Malay Teachers' Union, who has been providing expert advice in the Committee for Fostering for the last 17 years. Senior broadcast journalist Mr S Ramesh and former MediaCorp editor Ms Debra Soon were also recognised for their good work. Mr Ramesh had been actively involved in Hindu temples administered by the Hindu Endowments Board for more than a decade while Ms Soon had been an active volunteer and advocate against drug abuse since 1993. She had also served in the Committee of the Family for more than four years.

The occasion also afforded MCYS the opportunity to acknowledge the more than 40 organisations that contributed to the relief and reconstruction effort following the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Listed companies such as Singapore Airlines, SembCorp Logistics and Singapore Press Holdings, as well as voluntary welfare organisations like Care for the Elderly Foundation (Singapore), Ren Ci Hospital and Medicare Centre, received commendations from Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan for their significant contributions.
Friend of MCYS Award recipient Debra Soon, her father Freddy Soon and fellow winner S Ramesh.
Friend of MCYS Award recipient Debra Soon, her father Freddy Soon and fellow winner S Ramesh.

Winner of the MCYS Outstanding Volunteer Award and Friend of MCYS Award