Caring for all our children
Strenthening Old Ties
Service from the Heart
And the awards go to...
Rising to the challenge
Innovation is alive!
Farewell, Auntie! Farewell, Haji Pasuni!
Meet Joe, our NEW Fabric Of The Nation tour guide!

Published by
Communications and International Relations

Ministry of Community Development, Youth
and Sports
512 Thomson Road,
13th storey,
MCYS Building,
Singapore 298136

Issue editor:
Karen Bartholomeusz
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please call:

6354 8138
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Blueburn & Co
Innovation is alive!

he OUTREACH team from Singapore Boys’ Home (SBH) walked away with the second prize at this year’s ExCEL Day for their project, “Enhancing the Specialized Case Management System”.

It was aimed at helping the Home address the different needs of the residents for more specialised rehabilitation programmes. The project also yielded benefits too. Said Mr Spencer Yuen, the team leader, “There is now greater teamwork amongst the managers after having worked together on the project.”

The project was showcased at the ExCEL Day ceremony held on 16 September at the HDB Hub Auditorium.

SSS Champs
Ms Siew Lay Chan (FSD-FCB) suggested that the system in child care centres be upgraded to allow staff to access the central system to update their training records directly. Ms Sia Mei Ling (FCPW) raised customer service up a notch with her suggestion to make staff easily contactable for the convenience of visitors. Mr Peter Loh’s (Admin) suggestion to develop an SOP for opening new registry files or new volumes helped save valuable man hours and served as a guide for staff.