Caring for all our children
Strenthening Old Ties
Service from the Heart
And the awards go to...
Rising to the challenge
Innovation is alive!
Farewell, Auntie! Farewell, Haji Pasuni!
Meet Joe, our NEW Fabric Of The Nation tour guide!

Published by
Communications and International Relations

Ministry of Community Development, Youth
and Sports
512 Thomson Road,
13th storey,
MCYS Building,
Singapore 298136

Issue editor:
Karen Bartholomeusz
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please call:

6354 8138
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Blueburn & Co
And the awards go to...

(From left) Mr Toh Kon Sing (Application Service Manager, Information Technology Division), Ms Nancy Ng (Chairperson of the ICMS Working Committee) and Ms Ng Peck Hoon (Manager, Family and Child Protection and Welfare Branch) received the CIO 100 Award on behalf of MCYS in August 2005.
(From left) Mr Toh Kon Sing (Application Service Manager, Information Technology Division), Ms Nancy Ng (Chairperson of the ICMS Working Committee) and Ms Ng Peck Hoon (Manager, Family and Child Protection and Welfare Branch) received the CIO 100 Award on behalf of MCYS in August 2005.

CYS recently reaped a bumper crop of IT awards and acknowledgements.

CIO 100 Award 2005
Most noteworthy was the international CIO 100 Award. CIO is a premier IT regular publication for Chief Information Officers and each year, its August issue honours the top 100 companies around the world that demonstrate excellence and achievement in a chosen theme.

This year, MCYS’ Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) was selected by the judging panel as one of the top 100. The ICMS, an initiative led by Director of Social Welfare Ms Ang Bee Lian, leverages on IT to enable a
CIO 100 Award 2005
collaborative multi-agency, cross-disciplinary approach to be taken in holistically addressing the protection and rehabilitation needs of not just the clients at risk, but also their family members.

MIS Asia IT Excellence Award - Finalists
MIS Asia, Asia's leading IT management magazine, organises the MIS Asia IT Summit on a yearly basis. Not one but two of MCYS IT systems, ICMS and the Directory of Family and Community Services on the MCYS website, were shortlisted as finalists in the ‘Best Business Enabler – Government’ category.

United Nations Public Services Award:
eGovernment Category

In recognition of its efforts to streamline, simplify and integrate the application of licenses from various agencies, Singapore's Online Business Licensing Service (OBLS) was conferred the 2005 United Nations Public Service Award under the category "Application of information and communication technology (ICT) in Government: eGovernment".

OBLS is a cross-agency collaboration project, led by MTI under the eCitizen Business eTown. MCYS’ Family Services Department as a key online licensing agency in OBLS worked closely with IDA to streamline its childcare licensing process. MCYS was presented the token of appreciation by Ng Wai Choong, Deputy Secretary (Industry) for Trade and Industry at Treasury Auditorium at a celebration ceremony on 1 September.

ICMS at a glance.
ICMS at a glance.
ICMS at a glance.
ICMS at a glance.
is a winner...

Case management made easy, effective and efficient - thanks to the power of IT

Before the ICMS system was set up, whenever Rozita Anwar, an Assistant Manager at the Residential and Aftercare Services Branch wanted to check if any of her clients had existing records with other branches in the division, she would have to refer to the clients’ self-report, retrieve old documents and make phone calls to verify information - a very tedious and manual process. With ICMS, case managers can now check their clients' records by accessing other database systems with a click of the mouse, and the whole process takes place over a secure IT system that safeguards all information exchanged.

"With ICMS, I am able to screen my case or their family members within the division and via the prison interface, and be able to get a more holistic view of the case in terms of known family members in these systems. Such information is valuable for interagency collaborations for better case management and sharing of resources in helping the family as a whole,” said Rozita.

“The system captures clients' information systematically, so it's convenient to retrieve and update.”

In the past, effective case management and speedy retrieval of information was hampered by the fact that information resided not only in ten different IT systems but in different branches as well. Complete information on clients and their families was often a tedious and time-consuming process to churn out.

“It allows me to easily check if my cases are known to other RPD branches and to exchange info with other colleagues.”

After a series of brainstorming sessions between RPD and ITD, the idea to develop an integrated system was born. ICMS is a centralized system that integrates data of juvenile offenders, children in need of protection and families and individuals in need of intervention. The ICMS system allows officers to effectively track and manage its clients and cases from child protection to juvenile justice to family protection. Case officers are provided with real-time access to comprehensive client information, complete case histories and genogram. This enables them to address specific client’s needs with more timely and appropriate rehabilitative programmes.

“Now I can refer my cases for programmes and monitor the attendance without much paperwork.”

More than just facilitating officers in their areas of work, the system also allows select external agencies like the prisons, police, voluntary children’s homes and hospitals to access pre-determined client data from ICMS. This is a boost to both parties as it speeds up information retrieval and helps the Ministry weed out potential early child abuse cases.

MCYS is proud to announce that we received the Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H Gold Award 2005 for the first time. The Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H Award is a national award to recognise organisations with commendable workplace health promotion programmes. “The ICMS as a business support system was most timely as it supported the re-engineering process that we were putting in place. What we have is a coming together of a business review of our social service specialism, supported by a friendly data management system.” Ms Ang Bee Lian, Director for the Rehabilitation and Protection Division.