19 years, Mdm Ho Siew Eng has been a part of the MCYS family. Everyday
without fail, Auntie (as she is affectionately known) would come by
to help clear the bins and keep the workplace tidy. Her unassuming
ways and gentle smile have endeared her to everyone in the office.
This October, Auntie left to take on the new job of a full-time grandmother
and homemaker. So what would she remember most about MCYS? Auntie
says it's the people. We wish you all the best, Auntie!  |
36 years of professional match-making for the Ministry, Hj Pasuni
Maulan has finally settled down to a life of retirement.
As Registrar of Muslim Marriages, Hj Pasuni was instrumental
in making marriage preparation courses a staple programme since
the early 1970s. Malay-Muslim couples have benefited from Program
Titian Kasih (marriage preparation course for minor couples)
and Program Memupuk Kasih (marriage preparation programme for
reconstituted families). |
Another mainstay is the Remaja Bingkas
(Resilient Youth) which teaches teenagers to manage boy-girl
relationships, set priorities in life and grow up as responsible
adults, while parents are taught effective parenting skills.
Says Hj Pasuni who retired on 17 October, “The greatest satisfaction
I derive is when I help couples start their matrimonial life
on the right footing. For me, working in MCYS was not just about
earning a living, but also assisting anybody who needed help.”
Hj Pasuni also helped to reinvent and modernize the ROMM by
spearheading e-services and other innovative initiatives. He
also successfully led his team in obtaining ISO certification
in 2003.
Outside work, Hj Pasuni is also a respectable public figure
within the Malay/Muslim community. He is highly regarded as
an Ustaz (religious teacher) and an asset to the community.
MCYS wishes Hj Pasuni all the best in his retirement and in
his future endeavours! 