An evening of Glittering GOLD
‘Qi Jia’ stable families for a stable country
I Love Children
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find me a Match!
Senior Citizens’ Awards Dinner 2005
What Women Want
Very special greetings
What makes a cohesive and resilient society?

Published by
Communications and International Relations

Ministry of Community Development, Youth
and Sports
512 Thomson Road,
13th storey,
MCYS Building,
Singapore 298136

Issue editor:
Angeline Tan
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Blueburn & Co

'Qi Jia'
stable families for a stable country

n 7 December 2005, Minister of State (MOS) Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon presented the Community Chest with a piece of calligraphy on which she wrote the Chinese characters ‘Qi Jia’ . She was initially bashful about displaying her talent in the art as she felt that her writing was rather ‘rusty’, as she had not been practicing for some years. The last time she wrote anything was under the watchful eyes of her father many years ago. According to MOS, she used to dread calligraphy as her father was very strict with her, but looking back, she realized that all that discipline had not gone to waste, as she was applying her skills for a good cause now.

MOS chose the two characters, ‘Qi Jia’ because she felt that these words were representative of the work MCYS did. The characters ‘Qi Jia’ were part of a bigger epigram from the Confucius school of thought that exhorted citizens to cultivate the self, and then build stable families as they are the foundation of peace in one’s country.

MOS’s calligraphy, together with the works of nine other ministers, will be put up for auction, with the proceeds going towards the Community Chest. Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Dr Yacoob Ibrahim and Abdullah Tarmugi were some of the ministers who contributed their works to the charity project.