An evening of Glittering GOLD
‘Qi Jia’ stable families for a stable country
I Love Children
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find me a Match!
Senior Citizens’ Awards Dinner 2005
What Women Want
Very special greetings
What makes a cohesive and resilient society?

Published by
Communications and International Relations

Ministry of Community Development, Youth
and Sports
512 Thomson Road,
13th storey,
MCYS Building,
Singapore 298136

Issue editor:
Angeline Tan
For enquiries,
please call:

6354 8170
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Design by:
Blueburn & Co
What makes
a cohesive and resilient society?

CYS launched its very own corporate video on MCYS PODS (Progress, Organisational Development and Sports) Day on 23 November 2005. The video showcases the role that we at MCYS play through the five pillars of our mission:

Strong and Stable Families
Socially Responsible Individuals
Inspired and Committed Youth
A Sporting People
A Caring and Active Community

The making of...

After a number of false starts, the cameras finally got rolling and it took the CIRD team two arduous months of filming, scripting and editing before the final product was ready. The storyline adopted for the MCYS corporate video revolves around the question; “What makes a cohesive and resilient society?” Our message is that people are the heart and soul of the nation, and they make the difference between a restive society with no roots or common identity and one that is stable, united and inclusive.

We were very fortunate to secure the cooperation of the following individuals who have been associated with MCYS through our programmes and services:

Ms Eunice Olsen Ms Eunice Olsen
Currently the youngest Nominated Member of Parliament, Eunice has been a volunteer with the Toa Payoh Girl’s Home since 2000 and the Kebun Baru Youth Executive Committee since 2001.
Ms Theresa Goh Ms Theresa Goh
National swimmer Theresa is a true inspiration. Despite being born with spina bifida, she swept three golds at the 3rd Asean Para Games in Manila, and is a Singapore Youth Award 2005 recipient, counting as her peers the likes of Joselin Yeo and Li Jia Wei. .
Mr Stefan Tseng Mr Stefan Tseng
At the age of 15, Stefan, a Singapore Sports School student equaled two Under-17 records at an international meet in Perth last year. This impressive achievement came despite being unable to train for eight months due to a spinal injury
Ms Roanne Ho Ms Roanne Ho
At the tender age of 13, this Singapore Sports School swimmer made an impressive splash last year at an IOC sanctioned international age group meet. The current record holder of the 50m breaststroke in the under-14 category, Roanne’s times place her in the top percentile in the world for her age group.