An evening of Glittering GOLD
‘Qi Jia’ stable families for a stable country
I Love Children
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find me a Match!
Senior Citizens’ Awards Dinner 2005
What Women Want
Very special greetings
What makes a cohesive and resilient society?

Published by
Communications and International Relations

Ministry of Community Development, Youth
and Sports
512 Thomson Road,
13th storey,
MCYS Building,
Singapore 298136

Issue editor:
Angeline Tan
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Design by:
Blueburn & Co
Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
Find me a Match!

n 11 November 2005, 20 international matchmakers from the US, UK, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, took part in the Partner Connection Seminar, which was organised by the Social Development Unit (SDU). The seminar provided a timely and appropriate platform which brought serious dating agencies from around the world together to meet, network and share best practices.

The international speakers spoke on challenges facing the dating services industry in their respective countries. Japan’s Marriage Information Service Council also shared on benchmarking the industry. On the local front, speakers from Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), Economic Development Board (EDB) , Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC), and law firm, Rodyk & Davidson shared about the business conditions and potential for starting a business in Singapore.

Eighty-five participants from established foreign dating and matchmaking agencies, local agencies, as well as businesses which are interested to find out more about this industry, attended the seminar.
Mrs Tan Hwee Seh, Coordinating Director, Family Development Division (MCYS) giving the welcome address at the opening of the seminar
Mrs Tan Hwee Seh, Coordinating Director, Family Development Division (MCYS) giving the welcome address at the opening of the seminar

Surveys conducted by MCYS showed that singles in Singapore value the concept of marriage and see it as an integral part of their lives. Most listed marriage as one of their life goals to be achieved in the next five years. Attitudes towards social interaction activities are positive. Many however cited the lack of opportunities to meet the opposite gender. This was further supported by a recently conducted dating industry market survey, where 76% of singles interviewed felt that there was an increasing demand for social interaction opportunities.

The seminar received positive feedback from both overseas and local delegates. Hear what the participants had to say:
I thank for your warm hospitality during my visit to Republic of Singapore. I worry about whether my speech was able to comply with expectations but I am pleased that the meeting has been completed successfully.
Mr Tatsurou Tanaka Managing Director, Public Relations & IT Divition OMMG Inc
It was an unprecedented effort. It was a great platform for a meeting of minds and cultivating of business opportunities. It was a good start to the future development of the dating industry.
Mr Nazran Ahmad Business Development Manager Cube Communications
The visit to Singapore made me aware of the importance and the possibilities of the match-making business again.
Mr Lee Woong Jin SUNOO Co Ltd, South Korea
What a pleasure it was to meet so many lovely people and get some feel of Singapore. I think the Conference was a success. Both Andy and I met a good number of potential business contacts - only time will tell whether they will bear fruit. I feel that the Singles’ Forum was a great success. Congratulations to everyone for getting an equal number of men and women, something unheard of in the UK. Judy’s style and mine were so different that I think we complemented one another well. We both enjoyed the presentations and meeting the attendees who seemed very interesting and friendly.
Ms Mary Balfour Managing Director of Drawing Down the Moon and Only Lunch
We are extremely impressed by the efficiency presented and the services provided. We wish to congratulate you on the total success of this seminar. We feel that our participation in this trade seminar is educational and meaningful. We have met good friends. And we hope that we can have some fruitful results in the near future.
Mr James Jan Mama Jan-The super matchmaker, Taiwan
It was a good platform for the agencies to learn from one another. It was particularly useful for those who want to expand their business through forging new partnerships. I could personally identify with Taiwan’s model, which I feel is similar to what my agency is doing
Mrs Hong Poh Chu Director, D’Match

I have a male bird, languishing because it is lonely… You have a delightful female bird… Why should not the two be united? Otherwise mine may die of solitude.
A translated traditional Malay verse

Not forgetting our singles, a Singles’ Forum was conducted for them on the following day.

A pre-dawn storm in the early morning of 12 November 05 failed to deter 150 participants from attending the forum which was tailored for singles from campuses and corporations. Two renowned speakers, Dr Judy Kuriansky, a clinical psychologist from the USA and Ms Mary Balfour, owner of a successful dating agency from the UK, shared practical dating strategies for the singles.

The session was kick-started by Dr Kuriansky who impressed upon the participants that dating should be fun and light-hearted and hence, people on dates should try to smile and relax. She also reminded them that in order to make a good impression on a date, one had to feel good about oneself because it would show in one's face. She invited volunteers to role play issues such as trust. Ms Balfour on the other hand, encouraged the audience to be open-minded about dating as it was really "no big deal". She advised singles who had decided to go to a dating agency for help, to cast aside prejudices or "stumbling blocks" and try to date as many people as they possibly could.
Dating is serious business . . . participants making the rounds at the exhibition booths
Dating is serious business . . . participants making the rounds at the exhibition booths
Judy Kuriansky (US), one of the keynote speakers
Judy Kuriansky (US), one of the keynote speakers
Breaking the ice...  Ms Mary Balfour warming up the audience
Breaking the ice... Ms Mary Balfour warming up the audience

Getting to know you...that’s the name of the game at the Singles’ Forum
Getting to know you...that’s the name of the game at the Singles’ Forum

The opportunities created to date regularly would give them the confidence as "one dating success triggers another" ie "Domino Dating Effect". The key for singles to be socially connected to other singles was to be "out there dating"!

After an inspiring and motivating session with the two relationship experts, the participants freely mingled with one other over lunch, discreetly aided by the presence of Social Development Officers and SDU Advisors.